### This file is the exported MAC-all.cfg.
### For security, the following parameters with password haven't been display in this file.
###account.1.password =
account.1.auth_name = 256861_2006
account.1.codec.pcmu.priority = 1
account.1.codec.pcma.priority = 2
account.1.codec.g729.enable = 0
account.1.codec.g729.priority = 2
account.1.codec.g722.enable = 0
account.1.display_name = Dental Studio On Wellesley
account.1.enable = 1
account.1.label = Dental Studio On Wellesley
account.1.sip_server.1.address = 10wellesleyvoip.tasprovider.com
account.1.sip_server.1.expires = 300
account.1.sip_server.2.expires = 300
account.1.user_name = 256861_2006
default_input_method.advanced_setting_password = 123
directory.edit_default_input_method = ABC
expansion_module.backgrounds = Default:Default-exp.jpg
features.call_park.enable = 1
features.config_dsskey_length = 2
features.parked_call_monitor.blf_audio_enable = 0
features.parked_call_monitor.blf_visual_enable = 1
features.pickup.blf_audio_enable = 1
features.pickup.direct_pickup_enable = 1
features.power_saving.enable = 0
handset.1.name = 2006
linekey.10.line = 0
linekey.10.type = 0
linekey.11.line = 0
linekey.11.type = 0
linekey.12.line = 0
linekey.12.type = 0
linekey.13.line = 0
linekey.13.type = 0
linekey.14.line = 0
linekey.14.type = 0
linekey.15.line = 0
linekey.15.type = 0
linekey.16.line = 0
linekey.16.type = 0
linekey.2.line = 0
linekey.2.type = 0
linekey.3.line = 0
linekey.3.type = 0
linekey.4.line = 0
linekey.4.type = 0
linekey.5.line = 0
linekey.5.type = 0
linekey.6.line = 0
linekey.6.type = 0
linekey.7.line = 0
linekey.7.type = 0
linekey.8.line = 0
linekey.8.type = 0
linekey.9.line = 0
linekey.9.type = 0
local_time.dhcp_time = 1
local_time.time_zone = -5
local_time.time_zone_name = Canada(Montreal,Ottawa,Quebec)
phone_setting.backgrounds = Resource:02.png
phone_setting.custom_headset_mode_status = 1
phone_setting.idle_dsskey_and_title.transparency = 40%
phone_setting.page_tip = 1
voice.group_listening.spk_vol = 11
voice.handfree.spk_vol = 5
voice.handfree.tone_vol = 3
voice.handset.spk_vol = 11
voice.handset.tone_vol = 9
voice.ring_vol = 2
voice_mail.number.1 = *97
### Static Configuration ###
static.features.default_account = 2
static.network.primary_dns =
static.network.secondary_dns =
static.network.static_dns_enable = 1
static.network.wifi.internet_port.type = 0
static.network.wifi.ip_address_mode = 0
static.network.wifi.ipv6_icmp_v6.enable = 1
static.network.wifi.ipv6_internet_port.type = 0
static.network.wifi.ipv6_prefix = 64
static.network.wifi.ipv6_static_dns_enable = 0
static.network.wifi.preference = 0
static.network.wifi.static_dns_enable = 0
static.station.mode = 0