Manually activate Windows
Complete the following based on the version of Windows Server that your instance uses and the Amazon EC2 configuration tool that's installed:
Windows Server 2016 or 2019
Verify that the latest version of EC2Launch v1 is installed.
Open PowerShell as an administrator.
Import the EC2Launch module:
Import-Module "C:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch\Module\Ec2Launch.psd1"
Add the routes:
Set the activation settings:
Activate Windows:
slmgr /ato
Windows Server 2022 or instances with EC2Launch v2 installed
Verify that the latest version of EC2Launch v2 is installed.
Note: EC2Launch v2 is installed by default on instances that use Windows Server 2022. -
Open PowerShell as an administrator.
Restart EC2Launch v2:
Net Restart "Amazon EC2Launch"
Note: When EC2Launch v2 restarts, it automatically resets the OS-level routes.
If Windows doesn't activate, then check the network communication from the instance to the Microsoft KMS server.
Perform telnet from your Amazon EC2 instance to the Microsoft KMS servers , and then open PowerShell.
Run the following commands:
Test-netconnection -Port 1688 Test-netconnection -Port 1688
Confirm that the connection status output is TcpTestSuccessed=True. If the connection status output is False, then verify that the following registry keys have the correct Microsoft KMS values:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform KeyManagementServiceName - KeyManagementServicePort - 1688
Note: You can also enter as the KeyManagementServiceName value.
Repeat step 6. If the connection status output is False, then check the Amazon Time Sync Service on your Amazon EC2 instance